11 January 2006

Typographical Tangle

I'm finally nearing the end of an intense 2-month pre-publication period. I've spent the past couple of months sequestered in my office, surviving on copious amounts of tea, and giving Salinger and Pynchon some serious hermit competition. I've been so reclusive lately that people have been asking me if I've been away on holiday. Not quite...unless you count the exotic orange cover of my constant companion, the Chicago Manual of Style. Hopefully the book will go to press soon and I can stop fussing over semi-colons and index markers.


Anonymous said...

You can't have media-aversion and be postmodern. I'm sensing some discontinuity in this blog. Is Anjali really just one person? Or, is Anjali the title of a publishing collective? Like the Sophists? or Luke?

ryan said...

my sentiments exactly mr. mccann smith xii esquire. And now she's sitting in my office coveting my digital SLR and my powerbook. Lord knows what she'd do with them if she had them though. Read them poetry perhaps. And wouldn't she be worried that her chicago manual of style would be jealous?